January 18, 2020
January 25, 2020
February 15, 2020
February 29, 2020
March 7, 2020
March 28, 2020
April 18, 2020
April 25, 2020
October 12, 2019
November 9, 2019
November 16, 2019/DEEP Sabbath
at Oakwood University
December 7, 2019
December 14, 2019

We are urging our pastoral staff to work from home wherever possible. To contact the pastor on call, dial 423.236.7136.
I'm New
Are you thinking of transferring your membership to the Collegedale Church? Have you attended long enough to know that this is where you want to become involved, but don’t know how to begin?

The First Step
The first step in that process is to notify our Office Manager, Iris Diaz. You can do this by:
Filling out the online form
Sending an email (church@southern.edu)
Filling out a Welcome Card and placing in the offering plate
Call the church office at (423) 236-7110 with questions.
Once you have contacted Iris, she will obtain necessary information needed to initiate the transfer and send you an invitation to our Welcome To The Family Dinner. The purpose of this dinner is two-fold; if you are new to the area, you will have an opportunity to meet other individuals transferring. You will also have an opportunity to connect with our pastoral staff. This approximately one hour of fellowship is usually scheduled for a Tuesday evening.
New Member Info
As a congregation, we welcome you. We want you to experience the warmth of a family.
New members receive an orientation packet from the church office. Much of the helpful information contained in the packet can be accessed in this web site. Use the links below to read more about your new church family and community.
Transferring Out
To transfer from the Collegedale Church family to another Church family you initiate the process at the Church you wish to transfer to. They will then contact us to start the process.
There are many blessings in joining a larger church. We want to help you feel at home by finding ways to become connected and involved. It is our prayer that as you learn about the many ministries at the Collegedale Church, God will affirm your decision to be part of this church family and His Spirit will reveal ways that you can be involved in touching lives for eternity.